Manufacturer: Naman Pharma Drugs
Strength: 2 Mg
Details: Melphalan Tablets 2mg
The single most effective drug in treating Multiple Myeloma. Proven disease-free and an overall survival advantage in Multiple Myeloma patients. Namankeran crosslink DNA strands and prevent cells from replicating and is indicated for:
Dosage and Administration:
Multiple Myeloma: The usual oral dose is 6 mg daily x 2-3 weeks; 4 week break then 2 mg/day maintenance.
Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: One commonly employed regimen for the treatment of Ovarian
Carcinoma has been to administer Namankeran at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg daily for 5 days as a single course.
Courses are repeated every 4 to 5 weeks depending upon hematologic tolerance.
For Conditioning Treatment:
For Palliative Treatment: